Reactive Fitness Massage

COVID19 & Massage

REACTIVE FITNESS MASSAGE: UPDATE NOVEMBER 2022. As NSW Government rules relax so to have rules in the Clinic. Face masks are now optional but your practitioner will continue to wear a Face mask. If you feel unwell, please cancel your appointment.


REACTIVE FITNESS MASSAGE: this clinic will be closed from 26th June until 31st October. New clients will be seen from mid November onwards.

Second LOCKDOWN in Sydney June – October 2021:

This clinic was again shut down on Saturday 26th Jue 2021 in line with Australian NSWGovernment regulations in relation to the highly contagious COVID19 – DELTA variant. Trading stopped for 4 months.

As NSW opens up with 70% of its population vaccinated, and in line with the  NSW Government Public Health Order Oct 2021 only vaccinated clients will be admitted into the clinic. Before booking, each client must send evidence of Full Vaccination  History (How to obtain proof of vaccination)

As NSW opens up with 80% of the its population vaccinated, each client will need to show their  Proof of acceptable Vaccination NSW GOVERNMENT . If you have decided to not get vaccinated please contact me to discuss your options for your appointment.Medical exemptions NSW Government


Most protocols for the clinic from the 2020 COVID19 wave are still relevant (please see below if you are new or need to review protocols)

The newer protocols are:

  1. QR CODE must be scanned and shown before entry
  2. If you are unwell get tested for COVID19 before coming to the clinic
  3. Entry procedure to CLINIC 15 Beaumaris Ave Castle Hill 2021-11-01

Please click on 1, 2 or 3  for further information

Some other useful websites

Testing Clinic Information NSW

Is my facemask authentic?

Glossary of Medical Terminology for Vaccine and Immunisation Development

Form to record your household visitors -NSW Government

Tips for Seniors and Gathering Safely – NSW Government

How I am keeping my clinic safe:

Laundry Protocols

Enviromental Cleaning and Disinfecting Principals for Covid19 Australian Government

Viraclean Floor Wash Whitely Medical Australia

Aquim Gel Hand Sanitiser


First LOCKDOWN in Sydney March – June 2020:

This clinic shut down on 23rd March 2020 in line with Australian NSW Government regulations in relation to the highly contagious COVID19 virus that was sweeping the world. Trading stopped for over 5months

As Australia has practiced such excellent measures to ensure we keep the virus from hitting another outbreak, it looks as if its safe to peek back out from underneath the massage blanket and start practicing again.

The clinic will be open again as of 1st July 2020.

There will be some changes required due to mitigating risk of COVID19.

OLDER ADULTS or people AT RISK  will be screened more thoroughly to determine if risk outweights benefits.

Existing clients will need to undergo thorough screening procedures (conducted via online forms) and also face-to-face before ANY massage can commence

Here are a few of the things that have changed since pre-Covid19 times:

At the front door will be a dedicated clothing bin (to safely store your clothing and phone etc)/mask to be worn by client when lying face up and on side (not applicable since Nov 2020 – but this varies according to NSW Government guidelines)/ Linda will be wearing a mask the entire treatment time/ hand sanitisers available in all locations/ disinfection of floor surface (once per day)+sanitisation of all hand-touch surfaces between clients using Viraclean Disinfectant/ linen washing according to Covid19 protocols/ 30min gap between appointments to allow for ventilation and cleaning/ detailed record keeping for contact tracing (if needed)/ follow up appointments booked for 2 weeks time (at this point)

PLEASE SIGN IN using your Service NSW APP using my QR code. It is available at the front door and must be scanned every time you enter the clinic.


Please click on the below links to show how REACTIVE FITNESS MASSAGE is changing the way things are happening in relation to COVID19 and the Clinic



Please wear a mask

Handwashing Instructions – NSW Government



Please click on the below links to view current information from Australia 2020

Am I More at Risk –

Pregnancy and COVID19 – HealthDirect Australia

Australian Government COVID19 resources

COVIDsafe app – Australian Government

Identifying COVID19 Symptoms –

COVID19 Testing – NSW Government


How I am keeping my clinic safe:

Laundry Protocols

Enviromental Cleaning and Disinfecting Principals for Covid19 Australian Government

Viraclean Floor Wash Whitely Medical Australia

Aquim Gel Hand Sanitiser